Training the Trainees – ratios, costings and sales

The Afri-CAN Café Philippi has sent two of it’s trainees on an 8-week training courseoffered by the IBHULOHO Business Initiative NPC a.k.a. The Business Bridge Initiative in The Philippi Village.

Stella Mayaphi one a trainees came to us a few weeks ago asking to be put on the course. The courses offered were Managing Money & Making Sales.

Stella is now doing the Making Sales Course and her lecturer proudly informed us that her Sales Pitch was first class. Her course includes the following units – tracking sales, knowing your customers and competition, communicating with customers, handling complaints and problems, costing and pricing, marketing, business goals and how to bring this all together.

Lungi Matshoba is taking the Managing Money course and this week has been learning about ratios. Her course outline is about understanding financial jargon, recording business transactions, financial statements, cost structures, ratio analysis to make smart business decisions, budgeting, business plans and cash flow.

We’re excited about their graduation at the end of October.

We will be sending another 2 of our trainees on the next set of courses offered.