How we are beating malnutrition with the Free School Breakfast Programme



We have now served 13,494 free school breakfasts to the kids in the township of Philippi. The breakfast we serve to the Creches and Schools consists of rolled oats, full fat milk and raw honey.

According to the South African Nutritional Expert Panel one in ten children skip breakfast, which can then have an impact on their ability to learn. It has been proven that children who eat breakfast have healthier weights and perform better on memory tests. In addition one in four South African children are chronically undernourished. One in four children do not get enough vitamin A, one in five have anaemia and one in ten is not getting enough iron. We work towards ensuring all the children at the nurseries are fed a warm bowl of porridge to help enhance their learning and to make sure none of them go without breakfast as we all know it is  the most important meal of the


4th April 2015