Afri‐CAN Cafés launch innovative savings program for staff

The Afri‐CAN Café Co‐operative Charity (‘ACC’) is proud to announce a new initiative to match staff savings when they open a savings account with their local bank.

In order to benefit, a Staff Member is required to place at least 1000 Malawian Kwacha (KW) on deposit in their new account. The ACC will then also deposit in the account a further 1000 KW.

The ACC have launched this initiative to promote saving for all Staff Members. With low wages and a rising cost of living it is traditionally difficult for Malawians to start a credible savings plan. This scheme is directly related to the stated goals of The Afri‐CAN Cafés.

Stefan Allesch‐Taylor, on behalf of The Afri‐CAN Co‐operative Charity commented ‘We hope to engender, as far as it is realistic, the concept of money management, banking and savings for all staff members.’